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名 [书面语] (木名) large-leaved dogwood  detail>>
Ⅰ名词 (锛子) short axe; adz; adze Ⅱ动词 (用锛子削平木料) cut with an adze  短语和例子  &...  detail>>
air resistance
抗气性 空气阻力  detail>>
气阻  detail>>
resistance of air
空气阻力  detail>>
air resistance, wind resistance
空气阻力  detail>>
air churning resistance
空气扰动阻力  detail>>
air circuit resistance
空气循环阻力  detail>>
air flow resistance
气凌力  detail>>
air infiltration resistance
空气渗透阻  detail>>
air resistance change
气阻切换  detail>>
air resistance coefficient
空气阻力系数  detail>>
air resistance plane
空气阻力面  detail>>
air resistance reduction tent
减空气阻力幕  detail>>
air resistance stock
气密性胶料  detail>>
air resistance tester
空气阻力试验器  detail>>
air resistance tube
空气阻率管  detail>>
air resistance, drag
空气阻力  detail>>